New Podcast Episodes & Articles

Where have we been you might wonder? Busy, perhaps? Yes, that’s definitely true. Though not too busy to produce content, just absent the time to post here as well. If this is your main source for information on the work of this site’s creator, Matthew O’Connell, you might have missed out on articles published at the Speculative non-buddhism site, an article published at Tricycle, and new podcast episodes up at the New Books Network.

Here are links to all of of what you have missed.

Tricycle Article: An Introduction to non-Buddhism

This was published in October 2023 and represents a simplified intro for newbies. Many of you will not need to read it, but you are most welcome to, and if you do, why not add a comment to show you care, and demonstrate to the magazine and its head honchos that non-buddhism is super figo.

Speculative non-buddhism continues to be a host for occasional pieces I write. This a two-parter that has spawned the beginnings of a book, which is well underway and gaining wonderful momentum as you read this. These are two parts of a suggestion for an antidote to stupidity, with practice questions thrown in to boot.

Wake Up! and An Antidote to Stupidity

The latest episodes of the podcast include an audio-version of the above two texts with special effects and added pizzazz. I had fun with them, you might not. Give them a whirl if you love living life on the edge.

Wake up! An Antidote to Stupidity in Three Parts (Part 1)

Wake up! An Antidote to Stupidity in Three Parts (Part 2)

Wake up! An Antidote to Stupidity in Three Parts (Part 3)

Finally, and finally! I managed to rope Stuart Baldwin, one time partner of the podcast, to come back on for an extended chat about A.I. and the future of practice. It’s the latest episode of the podcast and has lots of rich nuggets for you to chew on.

A.I. and Practice

If you want to find all the episodes in a single location without faffing about, Spotify or iTunes are the places to head off to.



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